We are just over a week away from getting all the bees. They should be here next Friday. We have 70 3lb packages coming. It is going to be a lot of bees. I can't wait. We will keep 14 packages for my own yards and the rest will be for people either starting beekeeping or there are a few that are having to recover from their winter losses like I am.
Should be a fun day next Saturday April 20th. Those that just want to pick up the bees can do so between 9-10 a.m. and those wanting to attend a beginner beekeeping class can come at 10 a.m. and it will go probably until 12. We will show you how to install the bees. Walk you through your first few months of beekeeping and give you a handout to help you remember everything.
It will be so nice to have bees again. Right now the fruit trees are starting to bloom and I don't have any bees. Its killing me.
Swarm season is right around the corner. If you see a swarm, please don't call a pest control company. Call a beekeeper and let them come and relocate the honey bees. You can call me if you are in Utah County (801) 796-2114 and I will come and get them (no charge). Please make sure they are honey bees. If you let a beekeeper know as soon as you see them in a cluster, it is a lot easier to relocate them at that point. If they get established somewhere it is a lot harder and most people will charge you to come and remove them.
Spring is a great time a year! Everything starts coming to life.
Happy Beekeeping.
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